Kyle Kulinski Is All For The Left-Leaning Underdog...As Long As They Run As a Democrat


Another day, another case of "the populist left" hanging on to national electoral politics as the cure-all for America's ails.

Even before Marianne Williamson tried to test the waters with RBN, Breaking Points and their affiliates (like Kulinski) have attempted to convince the American Left that Williamson is the heir to Bernie Sanders, and as such deserving of all the leeway he was given (at least until he told his supporters to vote for Joe Biden because Donald Trump was so scary). 

But as mentioned earlier people aren't willing to participate in a part three of "Shepherd the Left into the Democratic Party," so people like Kulinski have to pretend like they haven't gone back and forth on Joe Biden like they have DID and now (as Due Dissidence predicted) do everything they can to portray Biden as "the villain" and Williamson as "the hero" so their dead-on-arrival strategy can appear valid.

While this crowd does recognize that the status quo is no longer tenable, to push national elections/presidential candidates as the solution yet again is beginning to sound like insanity. 


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