So...(The Political Requiem)


Suffice it to say, there's been a lot of conversation about Joe Biden's decision. Here's my take:

  • The Duran is correct that this is a coup. Biden did not want to leave and by the standards/system set up by the Democratic Party, he was well within his rights to stay. The American mainstream media, suddenly concerned Democrats, and panicked donors (the biggest factor here) forced him out. 
  • That said, the DNC did make an argument in court that they can choose their nominee with voter's consent/input. Also, since Biden hasn't officially been assigned (and accepted) the delegates, lawsuits on Biden's behalf will probably go nowhere. 
  • The DNC should have held real primaries and therefore avoided all this.
  • Biden should have kept his initial word of being a one-termer.
  • Biden's inner circle (who were most likely making a lot of his decisions up until now) should be investigated; we'll probably learn more once he officially leaves office.
  • Biden is still POTUS; so he's not well enough to run for four more year but he's able to serve for six more months?
  • Remember: it was Democratic centrists and moderates (Adam Schiff, Joe Manchin) calling for Biden to drop out while progressives (AOC, Bernie Sanders) were supporting him full throttle. 
  • Watching Democrats try to make Harris likable will be entertaining.
  • Jill Stein of the Green Party is still a viable option for voters.  


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