Mint Press News: Israel's Palestinian Promoters

Mosab Hassan Yousef, Nuseir Yassin (aka, ‘Nas Daily’) and Ahmed Fouad Al-Khatib are among those involved

A common tactic used by political groups facing accusations of bias and racism is to employ voices from the communities they often demonize to present their arguments, making them more palatable. Using Palestinians to advocate for hardline Israeli policies is similar to how Black Americans and former Muslims are used to support points that would otherwise be labeled as racist or Islamophobic.

In 2022, the Israeli cabinet approved a project to inject up to $30 million into covertly funding government propaganda in the United States and other Western countries. The plan involved indirectly transferring funds to foreign organizations to spread pro-Israeli talking points without revealing their ties to the Israeli government. In November 2023, the Israeli Finance Ministry announced an additional 63 million NIS for ‘Hasbara’ [propaganda] funding.

A crucial element of effective Israeli propaganda is using Palestinian voices to appear more fair and balanced. This is especially true for prominent figures who attempt to present a “two-sides” narrative, depicting Israelis and Palestinians as suffering equally in a complex conflict. Many of these talking points are outlined in the 2009 ‘Luntz Report,’ a 112-page booklet by Republican pollster and political strategist Dr. Frank Luntz. The report serves as a guide for advocating for Israel. 


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