American Presidential Debates Are More About Entertainment Value Than Being Informative

Yesterday's "winner" of the first (and possible only) US Presidential Debate between former President (Republican) Donald Trump and current Vice President (Democrat) Kamala Harris isn't an indicator of who will win the White House. The rank-and-file voters and supporters of both parties will not be swayed by any gaffes, misspoken words, baseless claims or outright lies or their chosen candidate, and those put forth by their "enemy" will only serve to reaffirm their ire.

As someone who has seen (and was very well immersed) in this type of political spectacle over 20 years ago (back when GW Bush and Dick Cheney -the later who endorsed Harris recently- were the "Trumps" of their day) this debate was nothing new. Neither candidate specified their stance on the issues, spending more time attacking the other than promoting the self. Anyone looking for details left disappointed.

Nevertheless, if you wanted a few chuckles, the debate was fairly entertaining. Barbs and zingers being thrown. One-liners dispensed (with the hope that they go viral). Hand motions, facial expressions, "brief responses" that lasted almost as long as the initial answer. 

We are in the "bread and circuses" phase, and the bread's running out. 


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