LOST: A Funny Things Happened On the Way Back to the Island...

Very decent episode. A new pecking order has been established, and a new threat (based on the episode's events and next week's preview) has emerged.

Some points of note:
  1. The coolest thing about LOST is that when it decides to answer a fan's question, it just doesn't answer it, it immerses you in it. After Season One people wanted to know about the Hatch; in Season Two the characters got to love in it. After that, it was "Who are the Others?" Season Three had Jack, Kate and Sawyer play house guests to them. When we were curious about rescue and life of the Island, Season Four showed us why being rescued and living off the Island isn't as rosy as it may sounds. Now in Season Five, we get another question answered: "What's the Dharma Initiative?" Well, our favorite characters are living the Dharma Initiative.
  2. Sawyer is the boss now. He made a very good observation on how Jack was Captain Reactive to just about every situation (in his defense, he is/was a doctor). You could make the same argument for Locke; neither guy was much with the strategies. But how ironic that Sawyer, Conman Supreme, is carefully plotting out the group's next move. On one hand, it doesn't give Jack a lot to do, but on the other: Sawyer has been there for three years.
  3. Also: Sawyer has finally found meaning on the Island. Back in the real world, he was a conman with little to live for save revenge. After the crash, his bartering skills and independent nature made him a valuable asset, but he still wasn't trusted. But now in 1977, he's freaking Head of Security. He has a stable girlfriend. Everybody either loves or respects him. Out of every single character, he has the least motivation to "go back to the way things were."


  1. I would question Sun's non-appearance in the 1970's except for the fact that (1) splitting up sun and Jin always makes for a good story; and (2) Ms. Hawking's statement about recreating the events of the first crash as closely as possible. I don't think Sun was giving much thought to that. Also, Sun was pregnant when they "left;" she wasn't when she went on the plane. that may be a factor.
  2. Jin's mastery of English has done little to tone down his temper. In fact, it seems now that he's more capable of expressing himself, he's choosing to do so with anger and frustration.
  3. Miles, on the other hand, has become more of a worrier than a jerk since his three-year 70's stay.

Best "Heh" moments:

  1. Hurley's reaction to being in the 1970's.
  2. Sun betraying Ben.
  3. Kate's reaction to Juliet saving her ass (again).
  4. Jack's reaction to seeing Juliet in Sawyer's house.


  1. Why was Christian able to hold the photograph for Sun and Frank and not help Locke?
  2. Why did the time-traveling O6 end up in different parts of the Island?
  3. Where is Claire and Daniel and Rose and Bernard and Vincent?
  4. What lead to the truce between the DI and the Hostiles/Others?
  5. Why are the Hostiles/Others allowing DI to build various things on the Island?
  6. Is Charles Widmore still on the Island in the 1970's?
  7. Is Sawyer and the rest (minus Sayid) aware of young Ben existence?


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