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  1. “We never expected when we printed out our budget that they would simply Xerox it and vote on it. The bottom line is that I want to see health care, energy, education and serious efforts to reduce our budget deficit.”
  2. "How much time do you want from me? What your standards? What are your requirements? Because we'll rise to the occasion no matter how high you set the bar if we want to. The problem is, women have stopped setting the bar high."
  3. "I think that the Palestinians should understand that they have in our government a partner for peace, for security, for the rapid development of the Palestinian economy."
  4. "The seats are where the money is, but in this economy, it's tough to put a value on sports collectibles."
  5. "If you're smoking marijuana in front of schoolchildren, to me that's a little bit more serious than smoking a joint by yourself out in the middle of the woods."


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