Reality, Interrupted

President Bush dropped this little gem during today's speech (which didn't make the networks, BTW):

No act of ours invited the rage of the killers, and no concession, bribe or act of appeasement would change or limit their plans for murder.

Well, that's not what Capitol hill is being told. Nor is it what the people believe. Esecially when it's obvious -even to a history major like Bush- that there were "acts" on our part that invited rage: namely giving Bin Laden (and his ilk) weapons to fight Communism than leaving them high and dry to fight civl wars once Communism was no longer a threat to American Society.

The President shouldn't listen to polls, you say? Well, when the polls said that people believed Saddam Hussein was linked to 9/11, Bush did nothing. In fact, he promoted the theory until the truth was too big to ignore.

But there's no reason for denial anymore: there is a link between Iraq and the terrorists who attacked the US on 9/11. That link is George W. Bush.


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