Borders For Sale
You would think that a country that hasn't exactly been helpful in the "War on Terror" wouldn't be the first choice to outsource some of our most important ports to. You would think.
Now let me get this straight: During his hearings soon-to-be-Justice Sam Alito said we shouldn't let foreign law influence our (American) laws. OK. President Bush has said that the formation of Homeland Security has made us safer and (because of the reorganization) has helped prevent terrorist attacks. Fine. The doctrine on fighting the "War on Terror" has pretty much been "join us or we'll attack/invade you." Gotcha.
So how does giving a country that is, at best, uncooperative in helping the U.S. find/fight Osama bin Laden and other terrorists access to American ports a safe idea? How is it even a good one?
This is going to end badly. And quite frankly, the White House ran out of lame excuses for their bad ideas and actions a long time ago.