2 Little Blue Pills....

I think imma have to get up off these pills, guys! last night, I was knocked out, then I woke up at around 1:44 this morning, and I took these sleeping pills, knowing that everytime I take em, 2 things happen; well actually, 3 things happen: I get knocked out, I have dreams (WIERD ones at that) every time, and when I finally DO wake up, the collar on my white tee is wet. Sure enough, that's what happened.

This dream, was my dad being an ass, like an abusive-type pops. In real life, it's not like that. If it wasn't about cleanin my room or something, it was about the pink shirt and purple tie I was wearing to church. It would seem that my dream was inspired by something I fell asleep watchng on the satellite box! Dunno what it was, but anyway...

Damn those little blue sleeping pills! Lol. Them joints work like shit though, yo!

I think I have an active imagination, don't you think so Image???


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