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1. Lakers in Transition: Charley Rosen sees LA's most popular NBA team coming back to being a winning club. To which I say: Kwame Brown.

2. "I'm So (Not) Excited" : "College women engaging in casual sex are more likely to experience depression symptoms than college men with similar sexual practices, a study published in the Journal of Sex Research found." Guess Sally really was faking it.

3. Why Fly When You Can Poolka? People seem to like a movie about dancing Penguins. Or at least the kids of parents.

4. They're Fake, and They're Fantastic! : Silicone breast implants are (once again) OK'ed by the FDA.

5. He Can Use the Coins for the Phone Call: "A former GOP fundraiser at the center of a scandal-plagued state investment in rare coins that helped Democrats seize power in the midterm elections was sentenced Monday to 18 years in prison."


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