Hillary Clinton: Please Get Your House In Order

Your supporters demanding for a roll-call is one thing. This ad from the Denver Group comparing the upcoming Democratic Convention to the Boston Tea Party made me twitch, but I still decided to hold my tongue.

But Howard Wolfson talking out of his ass was the Third Strike for me. And with this third occurrence, I see a disturbing pattern.

I see a pattern of Hillary Clinton supporters willing to wreck havoc, willing to cripple the Democratic Party, just so you can sneak in and "save it." I see the worst example of True Believers, and a candidate who -despite claiming that she would be ready to lead from "Day One"- seems unable to control her most ardent supporters.

I hate to say this, but a true leader would not let any of these spectacles become news items. Ms. Clinton, you're lucky that the political news is about John Edwards' admission, Barack Obama's vacation and John McCain's latest ad (or whatever he's doing). Quite frankly, you shouldn't be news right now; you should be concentrating on healing and unifying your party.

I see the release of those disturbing memos as a sign that someone, somewhere, agrees with me (although I doubt I was use that tactic to get you to "refocus"). Coming off the heals of McCain ads labeling Obama as foreign, anything accusing your campaign of even thinking about painting Obama as someone who "lacks American roots" should effectively end your chances of being a VP pick.

Your surrogates, your supporters, your colleagues...they all seem to have a mind of their own except for one thing: they all think that you are still running for President of the United States.

If you can't tell them to collectively hold their horses until 2016, you may need to re-evaluate how exactly you plan on leading a country; because as of this week you can't even control your staff.


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