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  1. Sure the Olympics are here, but I just don't have the same excitement as in past ones. And it has nothing to do with the fact that it's being held in China (despite the way the country has been treating some people) or the "Redeem Team" or anything within the norm. I'm just not feeling it.
  2. Bin Laden's driver gets 5 & 1/2 years; I guess that's a victory, right?
  3. Texas' Fab Five get their own movie.
  4. McCain's silly, stupid, inaccurate ads were about the jokes, people! But don't make fun of his age, his flip-flopping, his wife pill-popping or his scandals because that's wrong.
  5. So that's why Hillary Clinton hasn't been so quick to defend Sen. Obama publicly.
  6. How could McCain talk about not having to raise taxes if Sec. Def. Robert Gates wants to do this?
  7. A bail-bondsmen-in-training threatens Obama (and President Bush), goes to jail.


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