Comment of the Day

From Sadly, No! (Freaks And Goobers, Oh My):

Let me tell you a little story; it’s a story of 4 years ago. At that time I was lurking on Eschaton, back before it had truly become a set of throw-away one liners and links to other people, both from the host and in comments. Early exit polls had given Kerry up to a 5% lead as I recall, and during the morning spirits were high… Indeed, one (but just one) of the regular asshat trolls there even had the decency to say “It looks like you’ve pulled it off, well done.” But then, as the day wore into the night, the evidence clearly began to shift… and as it did, the usual sociopathic trolls became more and more in evidence; I’ve forgotten most of their names by now, but one I’ve unfortunately ran into again recently, still exactly as offensive, hate filled as he was on that day, our old friend Toby Petzold pouring his spite onto left wing blogs even now. But back to 4 years ago; concerned with nothing more than justifying their insane evil against real and perceived enemies, as the day wore on the tone across liberal boards became increasingly dragged down and poisoned. Did these freaks allow even the possibility of tolerance or acceptance? No… they wanted to rub our faces in it. Humiliate us. Hurt us. And when, at some disgusting time in the morning for me, when Kerry finally conceded, began 4 years of gloating and vindictiveness, both from the easily enraged supporters, but from a Bush administration that desperately courted them in order to maintain what slim control he had, both over the country and his own factitious party…

And now here we are, 4 years later. The same people, mostly under new assumed names, although Petzold continues to shame his own ancestors by using his genuine surname as mentioned, are back again… this time without even the hope of a victory to cheer, just nothing left but impotent rage and hate. Because they know this time, this time they lose. This time evil and hate is finally going to be defeated. And it’s going to be GLORIOUS to see the ick-moon of theirs wane, and the light of day finally begin to rise. And we owe them nothing, no sympathy, no compassion, nothing at all because they have proven, through torture at Guantanamo, and violence and stalking and harassment in our cities, and just plain unconscionable behavior anywhere they could find us online, that any sense of human frailty and dignity is utterly anathema to them. And today, their power to be sociopaths ends… unless we allow them to to
take it again.

So take this time now, before the polls close, to call anyone you know who might not have voted yet, to ensure they do. Let’s make it a liberal landslide. And yes, let’s rub their pug-faces into their own impotence everywhere they dare show their faces for now… but tomorrow perhaps, let them eat pie, for spewing hate across these blogs will be all they will have left, and let us deny them even that.

Let us leave them alone and weak, in a world where a black, liberal man is President, with a soon to be revealed Democratic majority.


And we hope, that you choke. That you choke…

Now, I might not rub conservatives faces in it, but I will walk a little taller.


Like I tell my kids, just ignore them, because they need the attention to justify their hate. Ignore what they say, because it's just an impotent spewing of bile (or words to that effect).

If they move beyond words, then call a cop. Or dodge them, ignoring them as much as possible, if no cop will come. If you must respond, then crush them, utterly, so that they never even dare look at you funny again.

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