Spider-Man Teams Up With... Barack Obama?

How great is that? The commander in chief to be is actually a nerd in chief," Quesada said. "It was really, really cool to see that we had a geek in the White House. We're all thrilled with that."

The comic starts with Spider-Man's alter-ego Peter Parker taking photographs at the inauguration, before spotting two identical Obamas.

Parker decides "the future president's gonna need Spider-Man," and springs into action, using basketball to determine the real Obama and punching out the impostor.
Obama thanks him with a fist-bump.

So we have Obama connections to Spider-Man, Superman and Batman. At least the guy likes the cool superheroes.


Do comic books depict anyone without showing them buffed up to steroid-absurd levels? Just askin'.
Pryme said…
Not really. Beating the crap out of people and dodging frequent attempts on your life tend to make you more cut than the average joe. Besides, since your typical comic book hero is either a mutant, an alien or altered scientifically/supernaturally, it's no real surprise.

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