"Man On Fire" + "Taken" Equals...

...what's apparently going on in Mexico right now:

TAPACHULA, Mexico (AFP) – Locals call them "merchandise" and that is how criminal gangs treat the Central American youths they force into prostitution near Mexico's southern border with Guatemala.

Victims recount being tricked into making the dangerous journey across Central America in the hope of a better life before being stopped en route in southern Mexico and forced to work for nothing.

The Honduran consul in Mexico's southern Chiapas state, Patricia Villamil, alerted local authorities to several cases when she took on her job last November. When they failed to respond, she spoke out.

"They bring women from Honduras, preferably under 18," said Villamil, who has already recorded a dozen cases of minors between 14 and 17 years old being forced into prostitution.

"They steal their innocence. They hit them, mistreat them, humiliate and rape them," she said.

It amazes me that we (aka the US and/or the UN) go after people guns-a-blazing (in the UN's case, by asking other countries to fight on their behalf) once "rogue nations" start using tanks or bombs or biological/chemical weapons, but when a country just up and allows the kidnapping and raping and prostituting of children, we hold back like it's no big thing.


Well, they are just women. I mean, if they were kidnapping and forcing CEOs into prostitution (from the working side, they're already pimping, really), then we'd have some "leadership" up in arms.

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