Oliver Willis Nails It

I agree with him in that some people forgot that the 2010 midterm election gave the GOP the House of Representatives, and there were consequences for that. One of those consequences was this wacky week of an almost shutdown.

As one Democratic Congressman put it: the GOP controls one third of the government right now, and that fact can't be ignored. And yes, the Democrats are afraid that if they stall and obstruct like the GOP did they'll loose more seats in Congress and maybe even the White House. Why? Because honestly, whatever goes on in DC is viewed through a conservative prism. As much as liberals and progressives complain about the wishy-washiness of the Democrats (and they have conceded things they didn't need to) the fact is the media has been and will continue to spin it as if the GOP deserves a voice and the benefit of the doubt. Which considering that the GOP is responsible for much of our current financial and economical problems is amazing.

That being said, as long as the GOP hold onto the House, they will have some power and influence. They only way to change that is to get more Democrats in Congress, and unlike last time, how about some that are actually liberal/progressive?


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