What If...Zombies!? Observations


Without spoiling too much (besides the fact that some of your favorite MCU characters either die, are zombies, or both):

  • Interesting that there was no main protagonist. A case could be made for either Peter or Banner, but neither were really "in charge" throughout the story.
  • On that note, the episode highlights what happens in a world where key MCU leader types are either unavailable or just...gone. The motley crew left behind makes for cool interactions, but they're not exactly the odds on favorite for surviving. 
  • It's cool that the zombie narrative isn't the sole story; we're seeing the events of "Avengers: Infinity War" and "Ant-Man and the Wasp" play out (somewhat) with a zombie curve-ball thrown in, so there are conflicts on top of conflicts.
  • The characters who didn't show up in this story (hint: they're probably still in space) make one wonder what will happen when/if they show up...
  • I was curious as to whether the zombies here would be normal, not-smart zombies or the type from the Marvel story (they are aware that they are zombies and keep their personalities, but can't fight the hunger). The revelation is a lion's share of the former and a sprinkling of the later, with some tweaks. 
  • At first, it seemed that each episode was getting darker in tone. While this episode certainly ranks up there with last week's, there some surprisingly dark humor that reminiscent of Episode 3. 
  • Speaking of tone, the Watcher seems to be less desensitized as we go on. Maybe we'll see him break his vow of non-interference soon? 


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