West VA Senator Joe Manchin is Not To Be Trusted

 In his latest attempt to play congressional gadfly, Joe Manchin has decided to make the more left-leaning Democrats in Congress choose which of the following three policies they want to keep: expanded child tax credit, paid family leave or subsidies for child care.

While this may look like Manchin may finally be willing to negotiate, there's a reason to be suspicious. It's possible Manchin would just be against whichever option was picked, claiming that the other two are more reasonable. It's also possible that Manchin wants someone else to make the choice instead of him, which will take the anger and frustration off of him while splintering the people who want all three policies. 

For the most part, the left-leaning Democrats aren't buying it, but time will tell. After all, the midterms are fast approaching and Manchin has just as much pull with Republicans in charge. 



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