The Democrats Have Nothing to Offer The American Working Class (and Neither Do the Republicans)


The terrible thing about modern American politics is that it will take one phase under Democratic Party rule and one under Republican rule to realize that they have long since abandoned the idea of helping people who live paycheck-to-paycheck (never mind the poor). Case in Point: I learned my lesson because of Clinton and GW Bush (and then the first two years of Obama was a stark reminder). I'm sure for others it took both terms of Bush II and Obama, and still others it was Obama and then Trump.

Now those who have only been involved/paying attention since Trump (his fake outsider image attracted some disenfranchised voters) realize that Biden is not only continuing some of Trump's policies (building the wall on the Mexican border, keeping kids in cages, staying out of the nuclear agreement with Iran), he's making things worse -particularly with the economy- for the sake "owning the Russians." 

So when Briahna Joy Gray makes a video (that Sabby is reviewing) talking about leaving the party, it's not being done on a whim or for some kind of personal gain. This is yet another person who's lived under both parties and has realized that the differences they have don't outweigh the similarities they share. In terms of how their policies impact people who work of a living (and those with less means) Democrats and Republicans are the same. The two main groups who are or feel there's a difference are those who are financially well off, whether they are wealthy, rich or comfortable enough to not have to check their bank account more than twice a year. When you can pay all your bills, the non-economic issues get more spotlight.

Neither of the major parties care about the working class past getting their votes (and in terms of the poor they are completely ignored because usually the poor can't vote). If Americans want to make any difference electorally, it has to be (1) local and (2) with a third party that's focused on working-class policies. 


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