US House Representative Wants Matt Taibbi In Person

 Via ScheerPost, Taibbi himself goes over this latest development from the "Twitter Files."

It would be one thing if I really made the mistake. In that case, Plaskett’s letter would merely be an outrageous attempt to intimidate a witness by threatening a charge of intentional lying over a miscue. But that’s not the case. I did of course make an error, but what Plaskett is referencing is actually a mistake by Hasan, one she’s now repeating. I’m not sure what to do but explain and show this as clearly as possible.

Which he does. One thing to note: it's not just Democrats; both parties have problems with people questioning or challenging the status quo. By the way, Rep. Stacey Plaskett was a Republican (who worked in the Bush Administration) before switching parties in 2008. 


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