Will Marianne Williamson-Supporters Acknowledge Bernie Sander's Endorsement of Joe Biden?

 Consider this yet another reality-check: Bernie Sanders has endorsed Joe Biden and will not run in 2024.

One of the pillars of the "Vote Marianne" Left is that she's only a few degrees off from Sanders and therefore is deserving to be his heir apparent. Sanders backing Biden pretty much demolishes that pillar.

A number of those pushing for Williamson -like Kyle Kulinski- were Bernie supporters in 2016 and 2020. Kulinski is most likely aware of Bernie's endorsement because he was on top of Biden's announcement. And not for nothing, he made some quick videos about Tucker Carlson and Don Lemon being fired, so "breaking stories" aren't a foreign concept to him. 

Then again, we know he's ignored such "in-your-face" stories before when they were inconvenient; what's to say that he won't do it again?

Of course, then these guys would have to explain why their political prophet Bernie Sanders is wrong and go through mental hoops to justify staying on the Williams train. 

BONUS IRONY ALERT: Compare Bernie Sanders not endorsing Marianne Williamson in 2024 to Elizabeth Warren not supporting Sanders in 2020; in politics, today's hero is just tomorrow's sellout. 

UPDATE: Kulinski did drop a video on the subject; color me surprised (kinda, he ironically mentions Biden denying democracy while still promoting the whole "taking over the Democrats is better than going third party" argument:

Kulinski even admits that politicians change once "they're in the belly of the beast" as if that doesn't apply to Williamson. 


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