One of the Left's Most Prolific Political Commentators Skipped One of the most Viral Moments in Left Media.

 To say that Kyle Kulinski likes talking about political stories is an understatement. As his YouTube pays states, his channel is "Home of news & politics commentary from the populist left perspective" (NOTE: it used to be from a "libertarian left perspective"). 

I've referred to him as a political gossip expert. Not in the intrusive TMZ-type way, but if you ever wanted to know who said what about anything even remotely political, Kulinski was the one to follow and watch. Also, whether the topic/subject/person is popular or obscure makes little difference. 

So imagine my surprise to find out that Kulinski seemed to completely ignore a political story that one would think is right in his wheelhouse:

That up there was a video on Bad Faith where Briahna Joy Gray and Kshama Sawant talk to Ryan Grim about the Squad's role in Congress forcing the railroad workers to accept a bad contract (that while included a bump in pay did not include any sick leave whatsoever). This video resonated with a lot of people on the left of American politics, especially since Grim went so out of his way to defend the Squad's actions that Sawant literally said, "What the actual fuck?!?" to him. 

Now let's get something straight here. Kulinski knows who Kshama Sawant is. Kulinski knows who Briahna Joy Gray is. Kulinski knows who Ryan Grim is (especially since Grim guest hosts on the show that his business partner and fiancé runs). He has done a video on Bad Faith that's included Sawant. He has covered the railroad workers story more than once.

In other words: even if he decided to never watch the video himself, Kyle is aware.

So during the week of December 8th, 2022, and one week after that...what was Kyle covering?


Kyle Kulinski did not skip a story that involved the Democratic Party (and in particular the Squad) failing the American people, exposed Ryan Grim (even more so) as a Defender of the Squad, and ultimately supports those who believe that either a third party and/or direct action is the best way to spur political change in favor of the poor and working class because he wasn't aware of the impact. He most likely did it because he was aware. 


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