AP's "Comparison" Of Biden and Trump Documents Scandal Stories Reveals An Unserious Nature

By now many are aware that some time after the "Trump still has classified documents" story died down there is now a similar story, this time with President Biden at the center. Suffice it to say, the same people who defended/attacked the former have now changed their tune on the latter. 

But what about the media?

 So here is the criteria that the AP used to judge the stories of Trump and Biden dealing with classified documents:

  1. The Number of Documents.
  2. The Speed in Which the Documents Were Turned Over.
  3. Whether the Discovery of the Documents Will Result in Charges.
  4. The President's Comments on the Discovery of the Documents.
  5. The Political Implications. 

Let's be honest (and brief) here: #1 through #4 are different variations of #5. The amount, how fast the documents were returned, any charges, whatever half-baked response these human gaffe-machines give as a reason...it's all political. The question that should be asked is, "has exposure of these documents hurt national security?" I mean, Dick Cheney outed an agent (which led to her contacts being killed) and he was still able to lurch around the Oval Office. 

But in the grand scheme of what a president (ex or otherwise) is allowed to get away with, anything not on the level of an agent list or nuclear secrets will, in reality, result in a slap on the wrist.


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