Voter Confronts AOC at Town Hall, Proceeds to Recruit For Third Parties

 Sabby's video really hit home how far Alexandria-Ocasio Cortez has fallen:

The one-time firebrand who talked about "bringing the ruckus" to DC, who camped outside Nancy Pelosi's office, and who talked about preferring to be an effective one-termer than a re-elected rubber stamp has now supported weapons systems, breaking railroad strikes and arming proxy wars that's full of Nazis. 

And one of her constituents was having none of it! The voter confronted AOC in Spanish, and then called for a break from the Democratic-Republican team-sport duopoly machine (it was at that time "town hall" security started to move her out). 

Both the Democrats and Republicans are too corrupt to take over, if the goal is reformation into a party that puts the needs of the poor and working class first. There are factions in each party willing to aid any other demographic as long as that demographic has money (and can influence a significant number of voters). 


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