Picture This: How House Democrats Are Dealing With Losing a Chamber of Congress in "The Most Important Election of Our Lifetime"

 A phrase that has been run into the ground way more than others and used as the opening argument for why Democrats are preferable to Republicans (of course this argument is being made by Democrats and their allies) served it's purpose until 2024. So now that the GOP will control the House of Representatives, what have Democrats to say about the state of things?


Yep. After "the most important election of our lifetime" has passed and the Democrats lost the House, House Dems mock the fact that the GOP is taking the leadership position seriously enough to not rubber-stamp their choice for Speaker of the House. After weeks and months of scaring voters, now they're all smiles.

(See, to Democrats, such spats are signs of disarray. But notice that every time the GOP goes through one of these "growing pains," they come back strong enough to put someone in the White House; i.e., Reagan, GW Bush, and Trump?)


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