Michelle Obama Scared About Trump Becoming President Again, Forgets That Her Husband's Party Is Responsible

 So Morning Joe is amplifying Michelle Obama's concerns about Biden losing to Trump. "It's about the democracy," says Morning Joe's co-host (and Joe Scarborough's wife) Mika. Joe talks about the Obamas dragging black voters and swing state voters to the polls.

But what none of the pro-Biden/pro-Democratic Party crowd will say out loud is that Obama did very little to entice voters to continue voting Democrat in the waning days of his presidency. 

Nothing to address police brutality. Nothing to address growing income inequality. Nothing to address rising homelessness. No cessation of de-escalation of wars being conducted. 

Obama put a happy, professional, intelligent face on a lot of horrible things going on, and the vast majority didn't realize what was happening until Trump came along. 

Also, Ms. Obama fails to acknowledge that another reason Trump was even a factor was because of the supposed successor to her husband, Hillary Clinton. Not only did she run a terrible campaign, but democracy would not have been "in danger" if the Clintons hadn't coaxed Trump into running in the first place. 

Thirdly, but just as important: Ms. Obama neglects to mention Joe Biden's role. As in: his poor response to COVID; the bait-and-switch on stimulus checks; selling out labor unions who went on/wanted to strike (and only joining in after certain unions won their fights); being on the wrong side of Russia-Ukraine and Israel-Palestine; saber-rattling China and Iran; claiming victory over a gutted, barely relevant infrastructure bill; etc.

To put it another way: If Trump wins, Democrats have no one to blame but themselves.  

BONUS: Sabby has her take:


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