Super Bowl halftime Performer Banned for Showing Support For Showing Support To Palestine and Sudan

From CBS News:

A performer at Kendrick Lamar's Super Bowl halftime show unfurled a flag emblazoned with the words Sudan and Gaza in a protest over the two wars roiling the Middle East.

Security personnel at the stadium detained the performer shortly after the flag was waved atop a car used as a prop in the performance. New Orleans police said the man was ejected from the stadium after the incident, and no arrest or summons was issued. 

The NFL said the person would be banned for life from NFL stadiums and events. "We commend security for quickly detaining the individual who displayed the flag. He was a part of the 400-member field cast. The individual hid the item on his person and unveiled it late in the show. No one involved with the production was aware of the individual's intent," the league said.

The company behind the halftime show, Roc Nation, said the protest was "neither planned nor part of the production and was never in any rehearsal."

They then proceed to give a rather colonized take on what's been going on in Gaza and in Sudan; my advice is to visit sites like this or this for more a more accurate accounting. 

Al-Jazeera also covered the performer's protest:


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