Photo Fetish

I know people are caught up on the Sen. Obama photo-flap, but the real deal here is the media-themed result: pundits and the like questioning Obama's patriotism.

Here's my question: why didn't the media call George W. Bush a traitor when this photo came out? Why wasn't his patriotism challenged?

Maybe it's because it stupid to say that an American office-holder wearing the garb of another country/culture is a traitor. Maybe it's because being in the executive and legislative branches includes visits to other countries, and in the spirit of creating and maintaining good will, those people see fit to dress in the appropriate outfits of that country.

The more people try to turn Obama into "The Angry Black Man" (or Sen. Clinton into "The Divisive Shrew") the more foolish they look.

P.S. Laura Bush was no different. Not different at all.


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