No Main Topic

  1. Two R.I.P.s: William F. Buckley and Buddy Miles.

  2. Crowded cribs = dead baby.

  3. Mike Bloomberg decides not to be another Ralph Nader.

  4. Finally; someone Reese Witherspoon can work with.

  5. Drunk Drivers in MD may have their license plates labeled (cool!).

  6. LaBron James gets the accolades, but not the victory against Boston.

  7. The cold weather isn't keeping the insects from DC.

  8. What the hell is a CD?

  9. Gay Marriage is now on deck in the MD legislature.
  10. President Bush is preparing another "Be Afraid!" speech this morning.

  11. Obama and McCain ignore Clinton and Huckabee; focus on each other.
  12. Blind Man uses a tooth to see again.


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