Superbowl Surprise: How It Went Down

The following is super-top secret, so don't go spreading it around too far!

[Scene: Pats Locker Room, halftime]

Ring! Ring!

Coach Belichick: Hello? Who's this?

Voice On Phone: It's me.

Belichick: Who's "me?"

VOP: ME, "me." You know...

Belichick: Oh, yeah. What do you want?

VOP: You're not winning this one, Bill.


VOP: Bill, calm down and listen, things are too hot right now and...

Belichick: Bullsh@t!

VOP: ...things are too hot right now with that Senator dregging up the video tape thing again.

Belichick: That punk-ass piece of slime can do whatever he wants! I'm not...

VOP: I'm not asking you to throw the game, Bill. I'm saying that you can't win. Do you really want to go before Congress and end up like the baseball players in that steriod thing?

Belichick: No, of course not!, but...

VOP: ...then you need to listen. With everything that's going on in politics; the war, the economy, the elections, those guys need to feel like they have control of something. That "somthing" right now is the NFL.

Belichick: (sigh) So how does this play out?

VOP: We'll do it like the NBA did to the LA Lakers in 2004. Remember when they had that nigh-unbeatable team of Bryant, O'Neal, Payton and Malone? Pretty much unstoppable. Then Bryant got caught up in that Colorado thing.

Belichick: So?

VOP: No way were they going to win with that stigma; teams just win with that type of stigma hovering over them. Not in today's sports world. You have an unbeaten regualr season; that'll have to do.

Belichick: What about Tom?

VOP: He doesn't have to know. Let him just blame the offensive line. People will believe it. Besides, the guys will be motivated for next year.

Belichick: Uh...damnit. I'll....I'll let you know.

VOP: Nice talking to you, Bill.

Of course, what do I know?


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