The Republicans Don't Have a Lock on Religious Voters...And Democrats Should Take Note of That.

Jacques Berlinerblau explains why Barack Obama has a chance of getting moderate evangelicals and moderate Catholics to support and vote for him. The story is here, but I'll (re)list the main points.

  1. When it comes to religion in the public square Barack Obama is no John Kerry (no Michael Dukakis either).
  2. More than a few Evangelicals are Obama-Curious.
  3. Conservative Evangelicals do not necessarily equate Obama with the anti-Christ.
  4. Evangelicals have issues with McCain.

I think anyone who has supported the Democratic Party would agree that Dukakis and Kerry shied away from trying to connect with religious people who are moderate or liberal politically. I think any religious person who follows politics at least moderately isn't swayed by the not-to-subtle falsehood (perpetrated by the fringe Right) that Sen. Obama is a militant Muslim bent on converting America into a fundamentalist Islamic state.

If I'm interpreting Berlinerblau correctly, it sounds like he's saying that religious voters are not drones. It's good to see that message getting out in a medium like the WashPost, even if it is online.


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