Hillary Clinton Should Stay in the Race

This guy makes a good argument for Sen. Clinton to leave, but I have a better one for her staying: in fighting to win the Democratic nomination, her campaign is doing the very vetting of Sen. Obama that she claims the media and the voters aren't doing.

How is that beneficial? Well, as Thom Hartmann has mentioned, the more issues Camp Clinton bring up for Team Obama to address, the less fodder the Republicans will have in the primary.

For example: this "John McCain in bed with a Lobbyist" story (taken with whatever context you prefer) won't mean as much in August as it does now because the media and political punditry will consider it "old news." Same with Obama and Resko; same with Clinton and her "crying" and "laughing."

The earlier these things come out, the sooner a campaign can work on either debunking them (if they are false) or spinning/embracing them (if they are true). In the case of the Democrats we've just been so used to a having a nominee so early in elections past, we think that this "delay" is a big problem. It's not; if we let the primary continue until either one reaches their magic number (or whatever means is used should there be a virtual tie) they will be that much stronger, that much vetted most of what the Republicans will throw at them. Also, the media and the voters won't be shocked into making stupid proclamations.

So as weird as it sounds, as long as Obama and Clinton are tough on each other (without becoming blatantly dishonest) the better it is for the victor when the general election comes.


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