LOST: Michael's Back!

Wow; interesting stuff tonight, with one of my favorite actors (if not characters) from the show involved. What did we learn?

  1. Michael told Walt about killing Ana-Lucia and Libby. It's just one more thing to add to the "Why Michael is the worst TV dad ever" List.
  2. Tom is gay. Although, from he convo with Kate last season, this was more of a conformation than a revelation.
  3. Widmore was behind the staged crash. Which means that the captain was either lying, or he thought telling Sayid and Desmond a tall tale was more entertaining than the truth. Oh, and if it was Widmore, than he makes Lex Luther look like Team Rocket.
  4. Miles saw through Michael's bullshit. You'd think for a guy who has strange abilities, he'd find a way of making $2.3 million that didn't involve extorting Ben Linus.
  5. Michael's "mission" was to kill everyone, not spy/be a saboteur. It's not like he hasn't killed anyone before as part of a deal with the Others (even though the "murder thing" was technically accidental, but que cera, cera). Lucky for him, just being close to the Island makes everyone coocoo for CoCo Puffs.
  6. Someone wants Alex in the worst way. Why else would go all Lee Harvey Oswald on Karl and the "French Chick," yet not even really try to hit Ben's "daughter?"

Of course, when the teaser said "someone would die," I should have known it's wouldn't have been someone like Sawyer or Claire.


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