Those "Uppidy Blacks" Strike Again!

One of the interesting things that has come from the Can O' Worms the Hillary Campaign has released (known colloquially as her "not-to-subtle-race-bating") is that everybody's inner bigot (those who have them, I should say) is beginning to show. And we thought White America had finally accepted Black People after things like making successful open heart surgery possible, creating filament for the electric light, designing the traffic light, creating the clock, designing buildings in Washington, D.C.; and yeah...picking all that damn cotton.

But noooo...most of the angry bigots just kept their hostile feelings inside. Well, last night, Pat Buchanan couldn't hold it in any longer:

To his credit, he didn't call the woman (Keli Goff) the "N"-word. But the fact that it looked like he wanted to go there gives me no solace.

H/T: Think Progress. And kudos to Rachael Maddow for setting Buchanan straight.


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