Everybody In the Club's Getting Tipsy

Sometimes I wonder how America got into the mess we call the Iraqi Occupation. Of course we know a big chunk of it deals with the election George W. Bush "won" (he did push for it), but what about the military? What was going through the minds of the top-notch generals while the Bush Administration was saber-rattling?

The answer: alcohol.

As for the human factor figuring into war planning, try retired Marine Lt. Gen. Michael DeLong's explanation of how he and Army Gen. Tommy Franks decided to endorse the bid by Rumsfeld and Cheney to convince Bush to order an invasion.

"Gen. Franks likes margaritas," DeLong said, "and I've got a margarita recipe -- of course, I'm a tequila connoisseur. And so we sat down and had some margaritas and tequila and walked through 'Is this the right thing to do for us, for the country? Can we look our troops in the eyes and say, 'You're going to die tomorrow and here's why?' And the answer was yes."

I've heard of "drunk driving" and "drunk dialing" and even, yes, "drunk sex." But "drunk warring?" Please tell me DeLong was kidding when he said this.

On the other hand: if he was kidding about how we got into a war that cost 4000+ dead, I probably don't want to know. Jesus.


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