Parents don't Want Their Children to Be Drafted Into the Bush-McCain War

Take Kellye Serrano (speaking for the safety of her 15-year-old son) for example:

Her biggest fear is that McCain will win, reinstate the military draft, and in three years have to send her son off to war instead of sending him off to college.

“I want him to go to college. I want him to be happy. But I certainly, I, just couldn’t imagine sending him off to war.” Max Serrano is too young to vote, but old enough to know that he’s troubled by both McCain’s age and the candidate’s ‘100 years in Iraq’ comment.

“If we’re there for a hundred years, he’s only going to be there for four of the years, if not re-elected. And then, he’s going to leave it off for some other guy,” says the aspiring young guitarist.


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