Around the Internets

  1. Dating tips for the recently divorced.
  2. And you thought Americans were annoying tourists.
  3. Call me crazy, ladies, but if a guy is both #3 and #4, he's not committed to you, he should be committed.
  4. Support the troops.
  5. Republican policies are literally keeping Americans sick.
  6. Bitter Wingnut Virgins. And Brad, I think that guy calls himself "The Stranger" for a reason.
  7. No that's gansta.
  8. Obviously, conservatives would prefer it if our children were uneducated and stupid. Because the stupid don't usually fight back when something they don't agree with happens.
  9. John McCain was still married to Wife #1 when he got hitched to Wife # 2? That's not change we can believe in!
  10. Well, well; look at who supports the Obama Foreign Policy.


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