"Likely" Vs "Registered"

So while registered voters are leaning towards Sen. Barack Obama, likely voters are leaning toward John McCain.

I'm not quite sure what makes a voter "likely" other than maybe their voting history.

What's interesting about the follow-up story is that the polls show people feel better about Obama "handling Iraq" and "terrorism" while McCain fairs better with "dealing with foreign leaders," "relations with other countries" and "the economy" (WTF?!?). Talk about a disconnect; how can a president handle Iraq or terrorism and not deal with foreign leaders or have good relations with other countries? Other than adopting the Bush Doctrine, that is.

If you go back to the Gallup poll itself, you learn that 11% polled either didn't like either choice of candidate or have no opinion (kinda scary).

From people I've talked to, it always seems hard to get two groups out to vote: young people and old-school Republicans (the type that don't like McCain, actually). I have a feeling that more young people will be coming out this election cycle; I can't say the same for disenfranchised Republicans.

But apparently conventional political wisdom is banking on young people not showing up, making way for a GOP-boost to McCain's electoral count. In other words: "likely" = old.


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