McCain's Crucial Voting Block

Pet owners seem to favor McCain more, if for no other reason than the fact that Barack Obama doesn't have any and McCain practically has a farm.

Of course, if McCain gets his way with off-shore drilling, they'll be less places for pets to roam free.

Also, if the conflict in Iraq continues as McCain wants, alot more pets will be without their original owners.

And, as long as gas prices are high, people who like pets may not be able to afford to keep them (because, you know, pets eat food and need to be clean up after and need to go to the vet and that stuff's expensive).

I wonder how long before this "news" becomes a FoxNews exclusive, or even a new "voting block" like Nascar Dads and Security Moms. I know: we can call them the Poop-Scoopers!


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