Drowning in Blackwater

I saw the Blackwater hearing on C-SPAN today, and all I can say is "Wow."

I understand that the official story will say that the Democrats mercilessly attacked a former Navy Seal-turned businessman, but here's what I saw:
  1. A very smug Chairman that seemed to no little about his own operation, and seemed to care even less about the negative ramifications of the actions of his company.
  2. Way too many Republicans who were willing to sabotage the hearing and blindly praise the aforementioned Chairman instead of trying to get some information.
  3. Some frustrated Democrats who could get some very simplistic questions answered.

There were also veiled attempts by some Republicans to equate the employees of Blackwater USA to the US Military. That (regardless of what the employees did prior to working for Blackwater) is ridiculous, but considering that the Blackwater VP is Mitt Romney's BFF, I can't say this particular tactic is surprising.

Oh, by the way: despite the specific and (presumably) limited tasks they preform, what Blackwater employees make puts our military to shame.


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