Yeah, But *Why* 50 Years?

It's being reported that former commander Adm. Gen. John Abizaid says the US will probably have to stay in the Mideast for another half-century. But the headlines should also say, "...Because we're addicted to oil."

Abizaid pretty much confirmed this himself:

"I'm not saying this is a war for oil, but I am saying that oil fuels an awful lot of geopolitical moves that political powers may have there," Abizaid said. "And it is absolutely essential that we in the United States of America figure out how, in the long run, to lessen our dependency on foreign energy."

If Iraq didn't have oil reserves, it's very likely the Bush Administration would have treated them like they've treated North Korea. On top of ousting Saddam Hussein, the appeal of having access to all of that oil was too much for noted oil men like George W. Bush and Dick Cheney to pass up.

On the flip side, as long as America needs oil in order to function as a society, the Middle East will continue to be a World Power Player. Unfortunately for that region, it also makes them a target for military aggression.


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