"We Takin Over"

Over at Dialy Kos, an observation of former Democrat Joe Lieberman:

What do you want to do this weekend, Joe? Same as we do every weekend, Pinky, smear Democrats. What makes Lieberman so mad he's willing to stand by and whisper sweet nothings in McCain's ear? He's mad because of how radicals have taken over his Democratic Party.

"Well, I say that the Democratic Party changed. The Democratic Party today was not the party it was in 2000," Lieberman said, his voice ragged and hoarse. "It's not the Bill Clinton-Al Gore party, which was strong internationalists, strong on defense, pro-trade, pro-reform in our domestic government.

"It's been effectively taken over by a small group on the left of the party that is protectionist, isolationist and ... very, very hyper-partisan."

Does calling your (supposed) own party "hyper-partisan" and accepting John McCain's invitation to dance at the Republican prom mean that Joe is ready to admit his seething hatred for a party he kicks at every opportunity? No, no. When he says "taken over," he doesn't mean the people occupying positions in D.C., or the party chairs, or the consultants, or anyone actually in a position of power. He means you.

Oh hell yeah, Sen. Lieberman. "We" are taking over. People like you had your chance to make real change for the better, and you squandered it for personal and political gain. But hey, that's why we have elections: to kick fakers like you out and exposed your true alliances.

And since he used the phrase "taken over," I just have to put this video up (the chorus should be the new Democratic theme song for 2008):


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