No Free Rides For Hillary Clinton

If the Senator from New York wants the superdelegates to push her past the Democratic nomination, she's going to have to earn their support:

WASHINGTON -- New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine, who has already pledged as a superdelegate to support Hillary Rodham Clinton's presidential bid, said today that Clinton has to overtake rival Barack Obama in the overall Democratic Party popular vote to continue.

"I think she needs a good, big win" in the upcoming Pennsylvania primary, Corzine said on CNBC today, describing himself as an "aggressive supporter" of the New York senator. "You have to see a real cut into this popular vote, and I think she's going to get it."

What, for Corzine, is the best option for Clinton?

"Who's got the most, I'm going to look at the popular vote," he said. "I think you need at least the popular vote ... I actually believe Michigan and Florida need to be part of that."

This is getting really cyclical. Clinton needs the superdelegates in order to beat Sen. Obama (neither will reach the "magic number," but Obama has a comfortable lead). Superdelegates are hesitant to give her the needed boost without legitimacy (which can come in the form of having the popular vote). Michigan and Florida can only help gain legitimacy. However, Obama has about 700,000 more popular votes right now; Clinton needs more primary victories to cut into this. But unless she stomps...and I means stomps Obama, any votes she gets will be a wash.

Which brings us back to the beginning: Clinton needs the superdelegates in order to beat Obama.


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