Freedom of "a" Speech, but Not "Speech"

Gotta love how freedom is so situational in America:

GREENVILLE, S.C.—Some faculty members at Furman University have suggested they won't attend graduation ceremonies because President Bush is scheduled to speak, but a group of conservative students wants the university to step in and block the protest.

Bush is scheduled to give Furman's graduation speech May 31 at the fairly conservative school of 2,625 undergraduate students with Baptist roots.

More than 500 members of the Furman community signed a letter released Monday asking that administrators refuse to allow faculty members to skip ceremonies in protest of the Bush visit. The move comes after more than 200 students and faculty members signed a statement earlier this month criticizing the Bush administration's handling of the Iraq war and environmental issues.

"Some professors seem intent on turning what should be a celebration of their students' accomplishments into a forum to air their political differences with President Bush," said the letter, released Monday by Conservative Students for a Better Tomorrow.

So the ironically-named "Conservative Students for a Better Tomorrow" want President Bush, who already (via his title and role) has a commanding audience to be able to go to yet another venue where dissent will be silenced. A venue where, I'm almost positive, Bush will use to talk about freedom.

Apparently, to these students a "better tomorrow" includes a country where no one questions their leaders, especially when they have a different POV.


I'm actually surprised that anyone who doesnt like Bush is being allowed into the ceremonies anyway. Isnt that contrary to SOP? The SS is probably grateful to know who not to let in.

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