Around the Internets

  1. After being such a critic of his work for so long, wouldn't it come across as fake for Arianna Huffington to join in on the quasi-deification of Tim Russert? After all, she does have reason to objective of his work. But as I've said before: a difference of opinion is no reason to wish ill of the deceased.

  2. Some things guys look for in a woman before they decide to pop the question.

  3. Grover Norquist is a fake.

  4. Emma Watson is making power moves.

  5. Odin's Raven: Ron Burgundy 2?

  6. Kim the pool.

  7. Stacey Dash gives women (and men) in their 40's something to strive for.

  8. Think of it as "positive rumors Barack Obama shouldn't denounce."

  9. For some Washington Post writers, vulgarity is really subjective.


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