US Army to Rest of Military: Our Sexual Assaults Are Higher Than Yours

I am not on a sex-blogging kick, I swear. But nevertheless:

An internal Army-wide message issued Tuesday by the Army chief of staff states that sexual assaults “continue to occur at an unacceptable rate” as the service in 2007 “accounted for more assaults than the Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force combined.”

The message, which did not focus on any specific location or group, states that there were 1,516 reported cases of sexual assault in 2007 among 590,000 active and mobilized soldiers representing a 2.6 assault rate per thousand.

The Army data, which was contained in a March 14 Defense Department annual report to Congress on sexual assaults in the military, showed that the vast majority of Army sexual assault victims were 24 or younger, in the ranks of specialist and below and more than 90 percent female, according to the message.

More than half the reported cases took place on post Friday through Sunday and were committed by males that fit the same age and rank demographic as the females.

Unlike the last sex-related post, at least the army has a clue as to why this is happening:

Alcohol was a “significant factor” in the assaults on the part of both the perpetrators and victims, something the chief of staff message says is part of what leaders should understand as part of the general profile of a sexual assault.

“Leaders must take this information and use it to identify and mitigate the risks associated with sexual assault,” the message said, pointing out that the Army’s sexual assault program is a “command program and a leadership responsibility that requires leaders to get involved and stay involved.”

...however, I'm not sure I agree with this one either. So guys are getting pissed-faced drunk, than decide to molest and/or rape their fellow officers? I know alcohol reduces a person's inhibitions, but to imply that a "significant" amount of people involved turn into sex-starved manics after a few shots is stretching things.

From what I know of sexual assaults, it's all about power. I've known women in the service who would tell me how hard it is to be accepted in an environment dominated by men. I'm not saying the climate is akin the "The General's Daughter," but it's no cakewalk. Even at my job I've witnessed the resentment of women (in power or going for it) by men. I can only assume that such resentment is magnified in the military.

But I do agree that this needs to be handled from the top down.


The army has also been lowering its standards in order to meet recruitment goals. Perhaps some of the things that make a person less desirable for recruitment are also traits that may contribute towards a tendency for rapine.
Pryme said…

you may be on to something...

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