You would think that George W. Bush's base, mostly made up of rich people and warmongers , would take a shinning to John McCain: a guy who owns ( owned ) multiple houses, is married to a rich wife and wants to bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran . You would think. But for the most part, they seem to be a finicky lot : In heavily Democratic Massachusetts, some Bush fund-raisers remain loyal to one of McCain's chief GOP rivals, Mitt Romney, the favorite son and former governor who suspended his candidacy in February. "I would probably support John McCain if he chooses Mitt Romney as his running mate; other than that, I will not support John McCain," said venture capital fund manager and Staples founder Thomas G. Stemberg, a Bush pioneer who raised large amounts for Romney but also contributed the individual maximum, $2,300, to Senator Barack Obama in March 2007. Can't say I'm surprised that Big Money Republicans are waiting on seeing who McCain chooses as a VP candi...