No Main Topic

  1. Back to business.
  2. Yeah, sure; why not.
  3. I remember when comic conventions weren't considered news.
  4. Bride of the Runaway (NBA) Groom.
  5. A healthy discussion.
  6. When these people say "you're glowing," they mean it.


re item 1: How do you suppose these guys feel about the increase in the minimum wage?

Alternate thought: maybe they're getting more money to offset the increase in taxes that will "ineveitably" come with a Democratic/Socialist Administration. As such, it would be wrong to not go ahead and increase their taxes, as they are obviously anticipating such a move anyway.
Pryme said…

They live in a world of speculation, which is part of the problem. It's their anticipation that lead to the banking collapse. It was oil speculators that had gas at $4.00/gallon.

But there was a theory that many rich people would rather live in a Clintonesque Economy where taxes are a little high but money's flowing versus a world where the rich are making crazy profits for a while, but then the rollercoaster stops at the apex. It would explain the percentage of rich people who voted for Obama, but at the same time I'm guess few of them thought we'd be this close to "universal" health care.
A while back I had an idea to slow down speculation, which, as far as I can tell, has been behind pretty much every bubble that there has ever been. The solution is to have a kind of curved tax formula for capital gains. The shorter the period of time which one held a property, the greater the tax, with a very high starting point (say, 50% for a one hour "investment"), and virtually no tax on a long term (say 10 years or more holding. Since I'm unaware of any kind of major financial transactons which are not closely and scrupulously kept track of (regardless of what is revealed currently to investigators), there's no reason such tansactions could not be monitored and taxed (on the spot, perhaps, like a sales tax). It would reward true investment, and penalize speculation.

Oh, and remember the stolen Goldman Sachs program that does super-fast transactions? That one just screams speculation to me - how about a 75% rate at the one minute mark?

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