Quote Of The Day

Because science has inconveniently declined to back-up any of their fantasies, science has been completely discounted. According to Pew Research only six percent of scientists consider themselves Republicans. Think about that. Sarah Palin didn't do that. It took decades of work to reach this point even if it wasn't until the last eight years that we truly saw the national ignorance weaponized by complete Republican control.

Only three percent of blacks voted for McCain, a number similar to what Bush the Younger received. That didn't happen overnight. A higher percentage of Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 than Democrats. But years of bitching about social programs that benefitted a community just emerging from the yoke of Jim Crow drove blacks away from the Party of Lincoln. In this decade it has been bitching about
hispanic immigration that has driven Latinos away in droves. There are 535 elected members of Congress (plus a few delegates), but there is only one Republican Jew, no Republican Muslims, no Republican agnostics, no Latino Republicans (other than the four Cubans from Florida), no (openly) gay Republicans, and no women in leadership positions.

-- Booman (via DialyKos) explaining why the GOP isn't what it used to be.

In addition, Oliver and JP give their own rationales. Guess this is the start of "What Exactly is the GOP?" Month.


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