How Something Sacred Like The Bible Turns Into An Ideological Mouthpiece

  1. Take one sacred religious document.
  2. Edit it to reflect whoever's in charge.
  3. Edit it again to reflect the civil mindset of your era.
  4. Watch it get mass published, loosening your control.
  5. Organize various groups based off of certain parts that justify your preconceived notions .
  6. Have groups infiltrate areas of power, specifically those in charge of editing said SRD to regain some control.
  7. Announce some changes.
  8. Convert people with misinterpreted rendition, make more money, use new SRD to advance preconceived notions.


It's amazing how many different versions there are of the absolute Word Of God, isnt it. The muslims may be just as crazy, but at least they're all expected to read their SRD in the same language.
Pryme said…
@ Dave

That's what irks me about Christianity: every leader of every denomination say their way is the way, and they cite a version of the Bible that reflects their stance. Few want to own up to the fact that the Original version was too strict for some and not strict enough for others, and sects were formed to pick and choose.

And now, that has crept into our politics, and people who only have a fleeting understanding of Christianity looks at one denomination and believes that they speak for all Christians.
Hell, there are plenty of Christians with only a fleeting, narrow understanding of their own religion who think they speak for all Christians.

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